Get the list of transaction

HTTP Request


  • Limit: 30 request / 1 minute

Query Parameters

The parameters are passed into HTTP Request according to Key-Value pairs, begin the parameters with the sign “?” and separate the parameters with the sign “&”. Ex:

API response returns:

"total": 4147,
    "data": [
            "merchant": "tikivn",
            "status": 1,
            "update_time": "2022-07-19T17:32:35",
            "click_url": "",
            "conversion_platform": "mobile_app",
            "utm_campaign": "4348614231480407268",
            "product_category": "1520_app",
            "utm_content": "",
            "transaction_time": "2022-05-03T02:31:19",
            "product_image": "",
            "utm_source": "123488589",
            "transaction_value": 442000.0,
            "_extra": {
                "parameters": {
                    "utm_campaign": "4348614231480407268",
                    "click_url": "",
                    "click_user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 14_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0.2 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1",
                    "at_unique_id": "7sFsxcWKOWYPunC3BCfg6Znxat",
                    "utm_tool": "deeplink",
                    "utm_source": "123488589"
                "device_model": "iPhone",
                "device_family": "iPhone",
                "device_brand": "Apple",
                "device_type": "mobile",
                "device": "Apple iPhone",
                "os": "iOS",
                "browser": "Mobile Safari"
            "reason_rejected": "",
            "category_name": "Sức khỏe và làm đẹp_app",
            "utm_term": "",
            "product_id": "9446586652188@tikivn@9446586652188",
            "is_confirmed": 0,
            "confirmed_time": "2022-06-30T23:59:59",
            "product_price": 442000.0,
            "id": "9591ccbef06080a1dd8f98d9b371537e",
            "commission": 53040.0,
            "customer_type": "",
            "conversion_id": 115157422,
            "utm_medium": "",
            "product_quantity": 1,
            "click_time": "2022-05-03T02:18:56",
            "product_name": "",
            "transaction_id": "602528593"

Description of results:

Last updated